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September 15 Day Of Foresters International Day Of Democracy

September 15: Day of Foresters, International Day of Democracy

Day of Foresters

On September 15, Russia celebrates the Day of Foresters. This professional holiday was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1999.

The Day of Foresters is a day to honor the hard work and dedication of foresters who protect and manage Russia's vast forest resources. Forests cover more than 45% of Russia's land area and are home to a wide variety of plant and animal life.

Foresters play a vital role in protecting Russia's forests from fire, disease, and other threats. They also work to promote sustainable forest management practices that ensure the long-term health of Russia's forests.

International Day of Democracy

September 15 is also International Day of Democracy. This day was established by the United Nations in 2007 to promote the principles of democracy around the world.

Democracy is a system of government in which all or most of the people of a state have the power to impact decisions that affect their lives. Democratic governments are based on the principles of free and fair elections, the rule of law, and the protection of human rights.

International Day of Democracy is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of democracy around the world and to recommit to the principles of democratic governance.
